Noël Traiter: Limited Edition Macarons from Pierre Hermé

For those that haven't had enough of Pierre Hermé macarons and looking for something a little more adventurous will be pleased to hear that the french pâtissier has now introduced for a limited time a special box set of macarons for Christmas, filled with.... wait for it.... FOIE GRAS?!

That's right, if you thought his current macaron collection wasn't different enough, this new treat takes the concept of  a macaron to a whole new level! There are two macarons in this collections: Macaron Chocolat et Foie Gras (chocolate and foie gras jelly), and Macaron Eglantine, Figue et Foie Gras (Rose, fig, and foie gras jelly)

These are by far the richest macarons we have had, and while the initial taste is definitely either chocolate or rose and fig, there is an interesting aftertaste of the foie gras which follows. Oddly, it does work, albeit something that definitely stretches the imagination!

These are available for order from the online store in Paris ( But hurry, they're only available till the end of the year!

(Red) Macaron Chocolat et Foie Gras, (White) Macaron Eglantine, Figue et Foie Gras


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