What's the use of a belly if you don't get to use it?

In the beginning, a young jetsetter moved from Australia to England in search of a purpose, and while that purpose is still incognito, along that journey he found a treasure-trove of heavenly delights to tantalise and stimulate his tastebuds!

Regardless of wherever we find ourselves, there is one thing that is for cetain; there is some food experience to be had. It might not necessarily be your michelin-starred (or san-pellegrino top 50) restaurant, it might not even be dinner on a table covered in crisp white linen, but it's something that sticks in your mind because 'it' (whatever that 'it' may be) brings out something that teases and excites you; and maybe even challenges you.

My sole aim with this blog is to start documenting the places I've been to, the types of dishes I've had, and the experiences that really stick out in my mind, whether it be dining at The Fat Duck (pre-viral outbreak), to perfectly done wursts in Berlin, or just the humble hawker store meals of Asia.


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